Colors’ popular show ‘Sherdil Shergill’ which is garnering a lot of love from the audiences is now all set to go off-air. The show is produced by Saurabh Tiwari’s Parin Multimedia Pvt Ltd. The show features actors Surbhi Chandana, and Dheeraj Dhoopar in the lead roles.
The current track of the show is focusing on Manmeet and Raj falling in love with each other. The show will soon witness the entry of actor Sunny Sachdeva. His role in the show is expected to create a ruckus in Manmeet and Raj’s life.
Now, according to the latest reports, Sherdil Shergill will soon go off-air. While the details are kept under wraps the show might end by the 10th of February. According to the sources, the cast of the show is slated to shoot by the end of this month and create a bank of episodes.
Colors’ new show ‘Agnisakshi’ is expected to replace Sherdil Shergill.