TV show KumKum Bhagya is all set to witness a six-year leap. Child actress Trisha Rohatgi has joined the cast of the show and will enter the show post leap. Trisha will be essaying a pivotal role where she will play the role of Khushi in the show.
The little one talked about it during a recent interview and shared, “My character Khushi sells flowers at a signal. She is vibrant and loves to spread happiness in people’s lives. I am enjoying playing this role and I have a lot of fun on the sets with everyone.”
Trisha has temporarily moved to Mumbai with her mother. Talking about it, Trisha said, “I have temporarily moved with my mother to Mumbai for this show. Even before this when I did Yeh Hai Chahatein, I had shifted here for 2-3 months. But for this show, I might have to be here for more than a year. My father is in Delhi and is very supportive.”
When asked how she manages her studies with the shoot, Trisha who is studying in Class II replied, “I have a timetable set for myself, which helps me manage both and my mother helps me with that. I sometimes study on the sets. My school teachers are very supportive. I have topped my exams along with acting so I feel happy about it.”
The little artist loves acting and being in front of the camera. “I like being in front of the camera and later seeing myself on TV. All my friends and relatives watch me on TV and that makes me happy. Many people even take selfies with me now,” she concluded.