Category: Dheere Dheere Se

“Dheere Dheere Se” is a Hindi-language serial aired on Zee TV in India. The show was produced by Rajesh Chadha, Rajesh Ram Singh and Rajan Shahi. The magazine premiered on the 21st of June 2015, and it stars Gaurav Khanna as Aryan, the protagonist of the show, who is a successful businessman and faces many challenges in his personal and professional life. The show also stars Mahima Makwana, Rajesh Balwani and Vaishali Thakkar in lead roles.
The show was well-received by audiences for its portrayal of a realistic picture of the life of a young and successful businessman, as well as its strong performances by the cast and its emotional storytelling. The serial ran for over a year and ended on the 18th of June 2016.